This is entertaining. Good job Amy. I don’t agree with your Toronto accent – too fast – but thanks for the laughs!
Category Archives: ESL/Cultural Communications
Hugh Laurie: the British accent vs the American
How to Communicate Like a Good Manager
Many people want to know how to be a good or a better manager, supervisor or team leader. This is hard to answer sometimes, as it may depend on culture, corporate culture, previous expectations and promises, and company as well as personal values.
The main point to remember is to show respect, calmness, and vision in all your communications. Bullies are not respected, even if they are feared. You must be firm but fair. At the same time ‘softies’ often are not listened to or given respect either. I recently had an email from an old Chinese friend (really nice sweet guy) who was asking for advice on how to manage foreign English teachers in China at his company. Apparently whenever they didn’t agree to some term of employment, they simply ‘played the foreigner card’ and claimed that they don’t have to do that because things are different in their own country. Smells like arrogance to me. The funny thing is, this nice guy who was asking me for help really wanted me to give him advice on understanding Westerner’s employment standards and practices.
That is a good thing to do, since he is managing them. However I reminded him that they are guests in China and are employees of his company, and that the main way to avoid some confusion is to have a clearly written ‘rules and conditions of employment’ contract which everyone must read and sign. That way both sides are clear on what is expected from the beginning. If the teachers find these rules too difficult then he should invite them to seek employment elsewhere! Of course rules can be bent and terms can be negotiated and re-written, but it cannot be done through bullying or ultimatum-giving, and that is what I wanted my friend to understand. He was being a push-over and they were taking advantage of his hospitality, as I understood. As a manager he needed to learn how to deal with facts (i.e. terms of employment as set out by the company) and be firm but fair in his dealings with his teachers.
Similar things happen all over the world. Here in multicultural Toronto, I come across stories all the time of people who are either being too strong or too shy. How many Russian immigrants have I told to “soften your language” and to “not be so direct”? Almost as many Chinese immigrants I have told to “be more confident in your speech” and to “not be so indirect”! Funny right? And that is just a small sample from my world of being a professional Communication Coach. Many more stories to tell…
Is Spelling Really Important?
Yes and No. Proper spelling is important for written reports, essays and school assignments, as well as any and all business documents (including emails). BUT proper spelling is not important for understanding words and meaning in the sentence.
Most people can read the sentences below and still understand the correct meaning (i.e. words) without much effort. Try it. I hope you are a clever one too! 😉
“I cdnuolt blveiee that I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd what I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno’t mtaetr in what oerdr the ltteres in a word are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is that the frsit and last ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can still raed it whotuit a pboerlm. This is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the word as a wlohe. Azanmig eh? Yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!”
P.S. – as an English teacher, I strive for and demand proper spelling!
Origin of the word Sergeant
Hello Everyone,
Isn’t it interesting when one makes fun of the stereotypes from one’s own culture?
This is Peter Chao, and although he is Chinese, he actually does not have such a strong accent as embellished in his videos. He lives in Vancouver, BC and in this video he seems to be annoyed at a common scene found in most dim sum or other Chinese restaurants around the world. Personally, I too get very annoyed by people who eat with their mouth open and talk while eating, so this video rings true for me. By the way, I lived in China for 2 years teaching English before. I love the culture.
Enjoy the video!
I Believe in the Power of You and I…or Me?
Can’t fool you and me: Grammarian says lyrics to ‘I Believe’ anthem flawed
By Bruce Cheadle, The Canadian Press Feb 23, 9:00 am EST
WHISTLER, B.C. – It has become as emblematic and familiar to TV viewers of the 2010 Winter Games as Alexandre Bilodeau, underperforming Canadian medal hopefuls and venue weather woes.
But that musical phenomenon known as “I Believe,” the official anthem of Canada’s Olympic Broadcast Media Consortium, may in fact provide the true legacy of the Games: another generation of Canadian kids who don’t know me from you, nor their “I” from a hole in their head.
If you haven’t heard it by now, you haven’t been watching the Olympics on the Canadian broadcast consortium, led by CTV.
“I believe in the power of you and I,” 16-year-old Nikki Yanofsky sings repeatedly, a refrain that’s been employed as the soundtrack to just about every conceivable sporting situation in these Games.
The song has been No. 1 on iTunes Canada’s playlist for 13 straight days and has spawned an unanticipated merchandising bonanza for the broadcasters.
Yanofsky’s vocals are flawless, but not the lyrics.
“For some reason, polite Canadians do not seem to think that ‘me’ is acceptable,” says Joanne Buckley, a professor at the Centre for Student Development at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ont., and one of the country’s pre-eminent grammarians.
“Of course, we grammarians know that the words should be ‘believe in the power of you and me’ since ‘of’ is a preposition and takes an object.”
Buckly did, however, cut the song’s lyricists a little slack.
“Then again, T. S. Eliot set the precedent for this usage in ‘The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock’ when he wrote in the first line, ‘Let us go then, you and I,'” the professor said in an email.
“He was wrong too, or perhaps just demonstrating the politeness of Prufrock. I suppose the theme song could be worse: it could say ‘I believe in the power of you and myself.'”
Buckley confesses to being “the kind of person who talks back to the TV when I hear errors in grammar” and said she finds the flawed “I Believe” refrain “a bit annoying.” She’d like to think she’s not entirely alone.
But a spokesman for the broadcast consortium claims not to have heard a single such complaint, notwithstanding that the song has been sent to some 5,000 Canadian schools where, presumably, English grammar is still taught.
The song was distributed to schools through the group Free the Children in an effort to get Canadian kids “more engaged in the Games,” said Dan Cimoroni, vice-president of business development for the Olympic broadcast consortium.
Any teacher complaints about the grammar?
“No, I haven’t heard any of that,” Cimoroni said, noting there has been some feedback from schools and it’s all been positive.
In fact, apart from the pure musical appeal of Yanofsky and “I Believe,” the song has spurred a bonus line of T-shirts, scarves, hoodies and the like.
“Originally we didn’t have a licence to sell clothing,” said Cimoroni.
But after the public saw some “I Believe” promotional items for the song, “it just literally became overwhelming the number of people asking for it,” he said.
The consortium quickly struck a deal with VANOC, the Games’ organizing committee, and the merchandise has since been selling like crazy.
At least the “you and I” lyric isn’t emblazoned across the stuff.
In one of those curious coincidences that only a grammarian could love, the flawed line was delivered live as part of the Games’ opening ceremonies on an evening when U.S. network NBC debuted an abbreviated remake of “We Are The World,” a 1980s vintage African-famine fundraiser recorded again in the wake of the Haiti earthquake.
The chorus in that song ends with: “It’s true we’ll make a better day, just you and me.”
The U.S.-written song also got it wrong. It should be you and I, although that’s a rather formal construction and defies conversational convention.
But patriotic Canadians can at least take some small solace that they weren’t beaten by the Americans in both hockey and grammar.
To read this article online and to read comments posted, please view this link:
Here is a good rule to remember which you should use, I or Me, posted by one reader:
“Grammarians are as much at fault as anyone else for lapses in grammar because they give their reasons for criticizing bad grammar in grammatical terms which demonstrates nothing but their arrogance and are willfully (woefully?) unhelpful to those attempting to learn correct usage. The simplest, every-day way to explain to people – especially children – the difference between ‘you and me’ and ‘you and I’ is to tell them to remove ‘you’ from the sentence. Understanding then why ‘I’ is correct in some places, and ‘me’ in others becomes obvious. So ‘You and I are going” obviously becomes “I am going” not “Me am going” and “Is he saying that to you and I” obviously becomes ‘Is he saying that to me” not ‘Is he saying that to I’. I was taught this method by an English teacher who knew not only how to speak and write properly, but how to convey her knowledge to children. We could do with a few more like that in our schools today.” – Meg G.
Help with Watching & Talking HOCKEY!
As you watch the 2010 Winter Olympics, there is not a sport more exciting to Canadians than Hockey. Watch the games and learn more with this vocabulary. Ask a Canadian or American to explain the ones you do not know. Enjoy!
The Referees or “Refs”
The Linesman/men
The Players
The Forwards
The Defense
The Goaltender
The Goalie
The Netminder
The Fans
The Coach
The G.M.
(General Manager)
The Announcer
The Enforcer
The Captain (C)
The Assistant (A)
A Slap/Wrist shot
A Face-off
A Period
A Tie-game
Overtime/Sudden Death
The Net
The Puck
The Stick
An Assist
The Boards/Glass
The Rink
A Scrap
Power Play
A Shoot-out
Shoots (the puck)
Blocks(the shot)
Ices (the puck)
Kill a Penalty
Unsportsmanlike Conduct
2-minute Minor
4-minute Major
(Double Minor)
5-minute Major
10-Minute Misconduct
Game Suspension
He/She leads in points/goals/assists/penalty minutes
He/She picks it up
It’s cleared down the ice
He/She plays the puck (around the net)
He/She ices the puck
He/She wins the draw
He’s/She’s knocked down/out
S/He shoots, S/he scores!
Oh what a save!
S/He Flashes the leather!
What’s the score?
Just wide of the post
It hit the crossbar
Dropped the gloves
Fires a rocket
Ran (him/her) into the boards
It’s the go-ahead goal
They blew a 3-0 lead
Slang & Expressions from Snowboarding
There are over 370 terms, slang, idioms and expressions from the world of Snowboarding here, , including references to tricks, snow conditions, boarders, fans, and other people in the sport. Too many to post but just click on the link and have fun learning how to talk like and understand a snowboarder. Enjoy the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics!
Olympics Vocabulary – Curling Glossary
In honor of our fabulous 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics, I am posting some sports-related vocabulary and expressions, so that you may enjoy the games more and have a better chance of understanding the plays of the sports. Enjoy!
Curling Glossary (from )
BACK LINE | The line behind the house. Once crossed a stone is out of play | ||
BITER | A stone barely touching the 12-foot ring | ||
BLANK END | An end in which neither team has a stone in the house | ||
BONSPIEL | A curling tournament | ||
BURNT STONE | A stone touched while in motion | ||
BUTTON | The smallest ring in the house. It is two feet in diameter, also called the “potlid” | ||
DELIVERY | The process of throwing a stone | ||
CENTRE LINE | The line that runs down the middle of the sheet from hack to hack | ||
DRAW | A stone that comes to rest within the house | ||
ECF | European Curling Federation | ||
EIGHT ENDER | An end where all eight stones of one team are better than the opposition’s closest | ||
END | When sixteen stones have come to rest. Similar to an inning in baseball | ||
EXTRA END | The deciding end played when the score is level after all scheduled ends have been played | ||
FREEZE | A stone coming to rest touching another stone | ||
FREE GUARD ZONE | The area between the hog line and the tee line excluding the house | ||
FREE GUARD ZONE RULE | The rule that states that an opponent’s stone in the Free Guard Zone cannot be removed from play until after the first four stones have been played | ||
GUARD | A shot that comes to rest in front of another stone for protection | ||
HACK | The pieces of rubber you push off from at either end of the sheet | ||
HAMMER | The last shot of the end | ||
HOGGED | A shot that comes to rest short or on the hog line and is removed from play | ||
HOG LINE | The line 10,06 meter (33 feet) from the hack | ||
HOUSE | The target area 12 feet in diameter | ||
HURRY! | To sweep immediately and hard | ||
IN-TURN | A stone that rotates clockwise for a right-handed player | ||
LEAD | Player of a team who plays the first two stones for his team in an end | ||
OUT-TURN | A stone that rotates counter clock-wise for a right-handed player | ||
PEBBLE | The frozen bumps on the ice that the stones ride on | ||
PEEL | A hard takeout designed to remove guards | ||
PORT | A space between two lying stones, large enough for another one to pass through | ||
RAISE | Promotion; to move a lying stone further | ||
RCCC | The Royal Caledonian Curling Club (Scotland) – the mother club of curling | ||
RINK | The building where curling takes place or A curling team or The sheet of ice on which a curling game is played |
ROCK | The alternative (North American) term for a stone | ||
SECOND | Player who plays his two stones second for his team | ||
SHEET | The total playing area for one game | ||
SHOT | A played stone or The word used to indicate a point won at the end of an end (shot rock) |
SKIP | The captain of the team, usually (but not necessarily) plays last two stones of a team in an end | ||
SPINNER | A stone thrown with excessive spin | ||
STEAL | Scoring a point without last stone advantage | ||
TAKE-OUT | A stone thrown hard enough to remove another stone from play. Also called a “HIT” | ||
TEE | The cross in the centre of the house | ||
TEE LINE | The line that intersects the house at the centreline | ||
THE “TOSS” | The toss of the coin to determine last rock in the first end | ||
THIRD | Player who plays his two stones third; often Vice-Skip of the team | ||
WCF | World Curling Federation | ||
WCT | World Curling Tour | ||
WCT-E | World Curling Tour – Europe | ||
WEIGHT | The momentum applied to a stone for distance |