Deer walking in Nara, Japan

Zen Customer Experience

I spent most of January 2023 in Japan. It was a business trip, but there was opportunity to travel as well, so I wasn’t stuck in Tokyo the whole time. I also visited Hakone, Nara, Kyoto and Yokohama. This was my fifth time being in Japan, and I got to see some new places (like the deer-filled streets of Nara), ate some different food (like the black eggs in Hakone), and met some new people. Do you know what DIDN’T change? What has never changed since I first started travelling to Japan in 2008? The super-high level of customer service and client care. It’s so consistent and it’s so refreshing. As a traveller, a visitor, it’s the best experience. People are so polite not just with their words, but with their non-verbal communication as well. Soft voice, respectful eye contact, small arm gestures, calm voice. Definitely a few things the West could learn from.

However even a rose has thorns. I’ll leave you with this counter-thought from a Tokyo guy: “yes the customer service in Japan is high level, but it’s scripted, it’s mandatory and therefore fake. The customer service you receive in Canada (or elsewhere) may not always be top-notch, but at least it’s genuine. When you receive great care in Canada, you know it’s 100% real, and it leaves a special feeling.”

Interesting point. So is the key to great customer service the overall experience, and ease, or is it the genuine heart of the experience? Maybe it’s simply how the experience and people involved made you feel.

lets talk customer experience

The Human Experience of Customer Service

Let’s talk Customer Service Experience! Join me Ric Phillips and Jason Agouris of iTristan Media Group as we delve deep into how we humans respond to customer experience, especially in a world of digital products for business. If you work in customer service, or run a small business, this video is for you, especially if you are (considering) using AI and chatbots to assist the customer experience.

YouTube Video:

Trust in the Good of Humanity

A few weeks back, I was walking home in my neighbourhood after buying a bottle of wine for dinner. While walking on the sidewalk, a van came up from an underground parking lot, and to my surprise, failed to brake in time and almost hit me. I was a little shocked at first, jumped back, and used my right hand to brace against his hood, causing a little slapping noise when my hand connected.

Well, since I immediately understood that the van did indeed stop just in time, and there was no accident, I continued to walk home on the sidewalk. I did not attempt to make eye contact with the driver as I didn’t want to accidentally instigate a verbal or even physical confrontation. I did not say anything nor cast any dirty looks. I simply walked on, content that there was no need to cause an issue.

About 3 minutes later, I noticed on my left side that the same burgundy van was now beside me (more or less), in traffic, and again, I didn’t feel the need to look over. Until I heard his voice.

I turned and looked at him, a big, burly man with long dark hair and a beard, in what I guess I would describe as looking like a biker, and, with a matching deep, gravelly voice, said “I’m sorry Brother.”

In a split-second I judged his voice and facial expressions to be sincere, and knew that he felt bad about the almost-accident. There was no doubt in my mind that he was determined to let me know that he was sorry. I believed him.

So I waved my hand to him, switching from a wave to a thumbs-up, and shouted to him “no problem!” Thanks!” And that was that. My faith in humanity was once again restored. There are plenty of good people in the world who make mistakes, and feel the need to fix them. There are still people who practice an almost-rare attitude of “well, if I made a mistake, I’ll own it, and fix it if I can.” He I suppose was one such guy. And I wish him the best. I smiled the rest of the way home.

Ric Phillips, Communication Coach

Check Out Our New Communication Coaching Programs

Hello community!

I’m ecstatic to announce my new Subscription Plans. I had you in mind when we designed our ongoing memberships, specifically for Group Coaching (for the Public). This group coaching is currently accepting a waitlist. If you join the waitlist, please do the survey questions and you’ll be the first to know when it launches!

By subscribing you save + you can cancel anytime!

Thank you all – let’s continue the learning together.

Ric Phillips, 3V Communications Ltd.

Communication Coach/Trainer

I Stand With Ukraine

Like many of you, I am in disbelief of what is going on right now in Ukraine, and hoping for a quick, peaceful withdrawal, though that seems unlikely. I have been to Ukraine. In 2019 I spent the day in Kyiv on a stop-over. What a beautiful city full of proud people. I have also been to Moscow, Russia, twice for extended periods for business. I love that city, especially in January! The decorations are amazing! I have met many wonderful Ukrainians and Russians both here in Canada and abroad. People are people – governments are governments, and dictators are dictators. I hope for peace, and donated to help. You can too.

Here is a copied blog from NCCA Canada today. It sums up the message for me. Peace.

We are shocked and saddened by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and inspired by the incredible leadership and resilience of the Ukrainian people. We are also seeing and hearing of many Russians who are against this war, and protest at the risk of their freedom.  The Russian people should not be wholly judged based on their current President and government.  Allies are everywhere.  We #StandWithUkraine – and we can donate to the Canadian Red Cross to help, with this link:



I’m in the Top 30 Global Gurus

Well what a nice surprise! I’m excited and honoured to be included in the prestigious Global Gurus Top 30 2022 under the category of Communication Professional, ranked #13. Strict criteria for selection includes being a published author, sharing original thought leadership pieces, and the public vote. I’ve been at this since 2006, and I am happy to receive this recognition. Thank you very much to all of my mentors, readers, clients and supporters. You are the best. 🙂

#13 2022 – Ric Phillips
what is a blog

It’s Been a While, But I’m Back

It’s been a couple of years since I updated this blog. Why you ask? Well I could say that I was busy blogging on two other websites of companies I’m involved with, which isn’t a lie, but a sentence closer to the true reason for my absence was that I had technical issues with this blog, and couldn’t get it to work for a long time!

I am not a techie, though as an entrepreneur and small business owner, I needed to learn a lot of computing skills, especially early on while on a shoestring budget. However I was thrown for a loop when a couple of years ago I tried to update this WordPress blog to a new, better PHP, and I must have chosen the wrong one in a list of several, and suddenly, I couldn’t create new posts! What was worse, the old posts wouldn’t appear either. I just had one page with a few posts visible, and their hyperlinks to the full articles were not functioning. Good grief!

I couldn’t figure out how to solve it (i.e. how to ‘unplug and reboot’, which solves at least 50% of ALL tech issues!) and for whatever reason I didn’t hire/bug someone else to look into it. My intuition was that after a couple normal updates, it would sort itself out. And it did. TWO YEARS LATER.

The lesson is clear – don’t wait so long to fix a blog issue and don’t expect it to sort itself out without help.

In the meantime I upgraded my business website 3V Communications, and implemented a new logo too. It’s different from the one you can see in the upper right corner of this website, right? (Because I don’t know how to switch them out!)

I am still Canada’s first Communication Coach, and I love having this website active. I still get a lot of traffic from this site, and now that the many blog posts are again active, I hope Google will once again crawl through them and others can find useful content dealing with all things interpersonal and professional communication skills.

Now I have to start adding more content – starting with this new blog post. I hope you have enjoyed reading, and I know many of you can relate to the tribulations of being Tech Support for a small biz, when you don’t have a tech support background. It’s all part of the learning and growing experience, and truth be told, I love it. 🙂

TEDX Talk on ESL and Accents

“How To Speak Bad English Perfectly” Interesting commentary on the business of ESL (English as a Second Language) including fixing ‘bad English’ grammar and pronunciation mistakes.  Native English speakers are greatly outnumbered in the world, yet many non-natives are striving for ‘perfect’ English skills. I’ve always believed we can help ESL speakers speak ‘through’ or ‘with’ their accent, not reduce it completely. I also believe learning business focused idioms and slang will help speed up a learners’ comfort at the office (in addition to learning industry-specific vocabulary of course). Heather does not really agree with that last idea.
What do you think of her assumptions and suggestions?


Communication Skills Part of YEDI Success

As most of you know I am part of a team that trains entrepreneurs, both for-profit and not-for-profit, in Canada and abroad.  This year our organization YEDI (York Entrepreneurship Development Institute) which operates partnership programs with York University and Schulich Executive Education Centre was ranked the #1 University-linked accelerator in the world, by UBI Global.  I am proud to be on the YEDI team, where my primary role is to improve the business communication skills of our entrepreneurs in the areas of leadership, customer service, networking and pitching skills (from slides to body language!) and branding.   As an original co-founder of YEDI I can attest that having communication skills training was always part of the formula for YEDI, since a great idea will be wasted or shelved if the business owner cannot express it in a simple and impactful way to potential partners and investors, catching their attention and clearly understanding how they will benefit.  At the risk of sounding too self-serving, I wish YEDI continued success and exciting developments in the near future!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays from 3V Communications!  This holiday time is a perfect time to practice great verbal communications by wishing others season’s greetings, and also practice your non-verbal communication by hugging those you love! 🙂

Together let’s make 2018 a positively successful New Year!