Tag Archives: 3V communications
Can Effective Communication Skills Get More Out of Our Managers?
This fresh advertisement is suggesting so. But why is that?
It’s because managers are the ‘hub’ of an office or other organization. They translate what the top level or C-suite folks who develop or interpret the vision really want (as far as action goes), and then carry out the communications and processes involved in getting the message to the remaining staff. The manager, including the Human Resources (HR) personnel, supervisors, and often consultants and high level contractors have to truly understand what the higher ups want, and that takes empathy, active listening skills, often the ability to read non-verbal communication (like body language) correctly, and patience. These are all great communication skills. Then they must deliver this information to other managers, front-line staff, contractors and other co-workers of some type. This takes interpersonal skills, conflict management skills, the skill of delegation, giving direction and feedback effectively without offending others, etc. These are all excellent communication qualities to have. So – if you think about it – a manager is quite busy talking to many different people all day above, beside and below them, and we didn’t even discuss conversations with suppliers, vendors, clients and whoever else might cross their path!
We all should be glad if we have (or had) a manager who displayed excellent communication skills. Because as we see here, it’s very complicated, and unfortunately it’s not very common to find a great manager. If you have one – tell them tomorrow!
If you ARE a manager, what can you do to evaluate your current communication skills and then make them better if needed? It starts with a good self-assessment, and maybe deep consideration of any recent feedback.
Here is a great article on the importance of communication skills, and you can use this article as a top 10 checklist to help evaluate your current strengths and weaknesses.
Best of luck!
Short Video Highlights 3V Coaching & Training Options
Learn about Ric Phillips and 3V Communications coaching, including body language. Options for communication coaching/training include interpersonal/professional communication skills, public speaking, presentations, body language, business ESL, etc. We help you communicate clearly and confidently. Please enjoy this short video that highlights key aspects of our communication coaching and training. Thank you!
What You Can Do to Communicate with Comfort and Trustworthiness
Hello Fellow Communication Enthusiasts,
Today’s post is about what you can do to communicate with comfort and trustworthiness.
Many business leaders, politicians and public speakers need to get a clear message out to their audience to “trust me”, “follow me” and “believe me”. Right now in Ontario, Canada we are in the middle of a race to elect the next (or same) Premier. Will it be the current Liberal leader Dalton McGuinty, PC Tim Hudak or NDP Andrea Horwath? I have been doing some interviews with media on body language analysis and public speaking techniques for the voters to pay attention to as they watch their would-be leaders on television.
Let’s look at the 3Vs of communicating with comfort and trustworthiness.
Verbally, you need to use words that engage, build rapport quickly, and establish trust. Use these words/phrases like these:
Friends, …
Fellow (Ontarians, Canadians, Business leaders, etc.)…
We are all in this together…
We all want to avoid a (mistake, economic recession, higher taxes, etc.)
I want to assure you that…
I trust that…
You can trust that…
You can believe me when I say…
Believe me, I will…
Vocally, your voice and speech need to be a lower tone/pitch, use medium speed with pauses before and after key words, phrases and points, and use medium volume with a clear voice. You are going for a rhythm that is at times melodic or hypnotic but without putting people to sleep! And you will match certain gestures with your stressed words.
Visually to establish rapport and trust, you need to be open and friendly (approachable) in your body language, use an engaging smile or even a laugh if appropriate, and not be wearing a ‘power suit’. In this case we are attempting to create warmth and trust, not separation from the common group. Your hands should gesture in open, symmetrical ways and predominantly be in front of the belly or up to the heart level. Speaking ‘from the heart’ is great for our goals of rapport, comfort and trust.
Lastly, do not rock back and forth or side to side when speaking, and do not back up when making your points. The audience will read this as a dis-connect between your words and non-verbal communication and it will be a problem. Your base needs to be as solid as a rock, but your upper body of course gestures smoothly and appropriately with the chosen words.
I hope you use these 3V communication tips the next time you have to win an audience over. If you are interested in learning more please check out more blog posts, and if you feel you would benefit from a personal assessment then contact me and we can set something up.
Enjoy your day and if you are in Ontario enjoy the upcoming election debate. I know I will be watching the 3 leaders with a keen eye to see how they make us feel when they speak.
Ric Phillips, Communication Coach Bio Video
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Hello wonderful readers,
I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year.
It is funny that this greeting is almost becoming extinct here in Toronto, as some people are concerned with offending others who do not celebrate Christmas. Instead we use phrases like “Happy Holidays” and “Seasons Greetings”. There is nothing wrong with these replacements, of course, but I would like to mention that the spirit behind the words is more important than the actual choice of words strung together. In this regard, the traditional phrase of “Merry Christmas” shouldn’t offend anyone – ideally.
I wish you all the best in 2010. 3V Communications continues to grow, and with that you can expect to see changes in our posts, ebooks, coaching programs, assessments, and workshops. Please stay tuned for notices of such exciting developments!
As always, if you have an idea of a topic you would like me to discuss in my posts, please just send me an email with your request. Please indicate that you want me to share it on the blog so that I know it is not a private request.
I feel like 2010 is going to be a great year. I hope I am right!
My sincerest thanks and appreciation.
Peace be with you and yours,
Coach Ric
Improve Your Body Language Knowledge
As most of you know, I am a big fan of studying body language. It is a huge part of interpreting other people, as well as presenting the right ‘vibe’ to others. I love teaching what I know to my clients, and seeing it in action everyday. In fact, my company is named ‘3V Communications‘ because we interpret and relay information using the 3 Vs of communication – Verbal, Vocal & Visual. But what are the ratios?
Perhaps surprisingly to you, according to an old and very specific study, they are 7% verbal, 38% vocal and 55% visual. That means 93% of all communication is non-verbal, if those numbers are true. But even if the numbers are just ballpark figures, what does that realistically mean? It means I can swear at you, but as long as I am smiling and my body language is relaxed and open, and my voice is not too loud, you will NOT get mad at me! You will know that I am just joking or messing around with you. That is just a small example of how important it is to understand and properly use body language.
Did you know that the singer Shakira was correct when she sang a song called “My Hips Don’t Lie?” I realize that she meant it more in terms of sexy dance moves, but in reality, where we point our feet and hips does say a lot of who and what we are interested in. If you and I are sitting in a meeting or a café, and my feet are continuously pointing towards the door, what does that say to you? It says I am ready or waiting to leave.
If I am talking to someone on a 45 degree angle, that means I am inviting others into the conversation. Therefore if I am square to the person, I want their full attention and would not appreciate being interrupted. You can see this kind of ‘footwork’ at networking events or social mixers.
I could go on and on, since I have put a large number of hours into this fascinating field of study, but for now I just want to let you know that you can study body language with me either in individual coaching sessions or in a team workshop environment, and you can choose to focus on a course just on body language or have it included into other communication training programs. Give me a call or email and I will send you some more information. 🙂
Effective Communications Workshop

NOTE: This is the last week to register.
3V Communications Presents:
Communicating Confidently in Business: Learn to Communicate with Charisma and Confidence to Build Your Career Success!
This interactive workshop focuses on building confidence in your communications, people-skills, first impression management and conflict management, plus influence. See website ad for more details and bonuses.
Saturday November 8th 2008, 9-5pm
Courtyard by Marriott Downtown Hotel, 475 Yonge St. (@ College),
Toronto, ON M4Y 1X7
Contact Ric Phillips
ric @ CommunicationCoach.ca
http://www.CommunicationCoach.ca and click on Public Workshops – Toronto
Any Qs? Just ask!
The Best Way to Excel Communication Skills!
Effective Communication Skills Training Course:
Learn the Art of Excellent Communications for Business or Pleasure!
Communicate with more confidence and clarity. Increase personal and professional development. Take home a certificate!
Toronto Sheraton Hotel – June 7th and 8th
Day one focuses on advanced interpersonal skills, e.g. small talk, first impression management, NLP, building rapport, body language etc.
Day two focuses on professional communications, e.g. telephone and email etiquette, running great meetings, public speaking and presentations etc.
- You get 2 days of fantastic, interactive and dynamic communication training for business and pleasure
- You get loads of materials and books to take home
- You get 20% off regular room rates at Sheraton Hotel, should you choose to stay there
- You get a beautiful Certificate of Completion showing that you care about your personal and professional development, and have taken steps towards gaining excellent communications
- You get a complimentary coaching session to get your personal communications assessed
What are you waiting for?
For more info and/or to register please visit http://www.CommunicationCoach.ca and take advantage of our current ‘early bird’ special rate – Must register before April 30th!
I look forward to meeting you and taking you to the next level of confident communications. Any questions please do not hesitate to ask.
(UPDATED NOTE: we/3V used to offer public workshops but now focus on corporate team training workshops instead, FYI) – Ric April 2015