Tag Archives: coaching & training

Ric on TV Tonight (videos)

Hello –  just two quick announcements:

ONE – If you have not yet seen it, my January 1st 2009 CBC News TV interview is up right now, where I discuss the G.R.O.W. coaching method. Just go to my Youtube channel video here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_CW3Zu0DLk

TWO – For those interested, and who can get the channel (I am not sure how far this broadcast will reach) I will be on a T.V. episode tonight of the W-Network TV show “Save Us From Our House!”, which is on at 9:30pm. For those in Toronto the channel is 27. I have not seen this episode yet, so we will be watching it together for the first time. It is only a half-hour show, and I am not the main host, so my time may be only a minute or so, but that is fine with me. I enjoyed helping the family shop in a peaceful manner and avoid all the conflict that they are so used to having in their daily communications.
Thank you for your support!

UPDATE:  Here is the video or the direct Youtube link to the 2-minute segment I’m on from that TV show:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYsXFywfFbQ

Ric on CBC TV – Jan 01 09 Video Now Up


I hate to so shamelessly promote myself, but I want to provide more credibility to some folks who don’t know me and who want to make sure that I can ‘walk the walk and talk the talk’ when it comes to communication skills.

So if you are interested in seeing the latest TV appearance, I’ve uploaded the January 1st 2009 live interview of me on CBC TV discussing how to apply the coaching G.R.O.W. model to your New Years resolutions and monthly goals.

(Or follow this direct link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_CW3Zu0DLk )

Thank you!

G.R.O.W. Yourself in 2009

Hello everyone and happy 2009!

As some of you might know I was recently on television again this year to briefly talk about New Years resolutions and how to create a plan to stick to them. Now personally, as most of you would know from last year’s interview that I uploaded to my homepage, I do not actually set New Years resolutions. I believe in continuous goal-setting as opposed to creating a ‘wish-list’ on December 31st. However this year I was happy to discuss the coaching model that I use for goal identification and planning for my clients. It is called the G.R.O.W. model.

This is not just mine. Many coaches use it, or some variant of it. Here is what I use this acronym for and what I explained on CBC Newsworld national TV a couple days ago. I hope you enjoy it and find it useful for self-coaching and also for helping others around you take the next steps on the path to more success.

G – Goals. What are your new goals and how do they mesh with your current goals already in place? This is where you establish your vision of where you want to be in life. Are those goals SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-based) or as I mentioned in last year’s interview, are they BEST (believable, enthusiastic, specific and time-limited)?

R – Reality. What is your current reality? What is your environment like at work and at home? Where are you now, at the starting point, and why do you want or need to achieve these identified goals?

O – Opportunities. Some people use this letter for ‘obstacles’, but I prefer the more positive word ‘opportunities’. What have you tried before that helped or hurt your goal achievement? What opportunities can you take advantage of now, around you, to achieve your goals? Are there courses, books, workshops, seminars, coaches or mentors? Will work subsidize professional development training for you? If you do not ask you will not know what their policy or budget is.

W – Willingness. Again some other coaches use this letter to refer to the ‘wrap-up’ stage, which is fine, but I prefer to be a little more specific and call it ‘willingness’. This is the very important stage of figuring out your current motivation for each of your goals. Write them down, from all different areas (financial, health, professional, communicative, etc.) and then assign a number to each one, based on your motivation to achieve it, on a scale of 1-10. Anything less than a 7 will be difficult to achieve at this point. Use your momentum and focus on the top 2 or 3 goals that have an 8 or above answer. With your new priority list organize an action plan and get to work!

A little more advice was given during my interview that I cannot fit into this article so when CBC sends me the DVD (they promised!) I will upload it to give those of you interested a chance to see it.

By the way, a common question I get is “are you nervous when you are being interviewed live on television?” The answer is simply “yes, I am.” I just centre myself and stick to what I know best, and above all, I breathe! It seems to work out okay.

All the best to all of us for 2009!

P.S. – There is a giveaway Ebooklet called “How to Achieve Goals” that you can check out here to get advice and understanding on goals: http://stores.lulu.com/commcoach1 .

Thank you!

Try these Tongue-twisters

Tongue twisters are a great way to practice not only correct pronunciation, but delivery as well. I want you to first read these sentences slowly and with care to pronounce them correctly. Then read them a second time at medium ‘normal’ delivery speed. Finally, read them as fast as you can, trying to maintain clarity of speech. A friend can help you judge your clarity of words and appropriate speed.
Enjoy and Merry Christmas to you all, and happy holidays!!!

A skunk sat on a stump and thunk the stump stunk, but the stump thunk the skunk stunk.
(note: ‘thunk’ is a purposeful mispronunciation or slang of ‘thought’.)

Red lorry, yellow lorry, red lorry, yellow lorry.

Lesser leather never weathered wetter weather better.

Ruby Rugby’s brother bought and brought her back some rubber baby-buggy bumpers.

Which witch wished which wicked wish?

Silly Sally swiftly shooed seven silly sheep. The seven silly sheep Silly Sally shooed shilly-shallied south. These sheep shouldn’t sleep in a shack; sheep should sleep in a shed.

Twelve twins twirled twelve twigs. Three twigs twined tightly.

Crisp crusts crackle crunchily.

Don’t pamper damp scamp tramps that camp under ramp lamps.

There are six shimmering sharks sharply striking shins.

Strict strong stringy Steven Stretch slickly snared six sickly silky snakes.

Just think, that sphinx has a sphincter that stinks!

They both, though, have thirty-three thick thimbles to thaw.

Cows graze in groves on grass which grows in grooves in groves.

Brisk brave brigadiers brandished broad bright blades, blunderbusses, and bludgeons — balancing them badly.

They have left the thrift shop, and lost both their theatre tickets and the
volume of valuable licenses and coupons for free theatrical frills and thrills.

Fun right? Keep going!

Greedy or Smart Business?


Like you I am paying attention to certain people’s blogs and newsletters. One of my favourite internet marketers is Perry Marshall. His newsletters give away a ton of free advice. I cannot afford any more of his services at this point, but I enjoy the articles. A lot of my business is done through the internet, so you can see why I appreciate his advice.

Here is an interesting communication issue. Perry gave a seminar and afterward people in the group asked to set up a lunch date with him, and he responded with a “sure, as long as you pay my $725/hour fee!”.

A man named Dennis (with poor spelling) emailed him to tell him he thought that was greedy and not a very business-like response.

Perry wrote a response and published both on his blog.
Now a zillion people have commented on the letter/response, offering their own opinion.

I think this letter/response is worth reading, especially if you are a coach, consultant, entrepreneur, sales rep, or just interested in this ethical question.

I will let you make up your own mind ethically. My short response to this is that it is not WHAT you say but HOW you say it. My old boss used to tell me that I could deliver the worst of news but that no one would be offended because of the way I smiled and delivered the news softly and sometimes with humour.

Perhaps a little tact in delivering his message would have saved Perry a lot of time with this, but on the other hand, perhaps the publicity is good. Look at what it has caused me to do – post it here!! (Man that Perry is clever – I love him!)

Here is the post to his blog where the letter/response can be read.



PS I am not affiliated with Perry. I am just a fan.

Communication Workshop NOV 22 for Immigrants

BRASI Presents:

BrasiMPACT: Communication Skills Refinement; Impact & Influence
Focusing on quickly building interpersonal communication skills and public speaking improvement, with a segment on accent reduction. Geared towards professional immigrants who need to deal with clients, suppliers, managers etc. Ric Phillips, Communication Coach, will provide the small-group training.

Saturday, November 22 2008 9am-3pm
North York Memorial Hall (Gold Room B)
5110 Yonge Street
Concourse Level
Toronto, ON M2N 5V7

Contact Aftab Khan
info @ brasi.org

Register NOW for only $185.00!!! No time to wait!

Communicating Confidently in Business

Hello those of you in Toronto/GTA:

This is the last week that we are taking registrations for the upcoming Nov. 8th effective communication skills workshop, downtown Toronto.

You will learn:

How to Communicate with confidence
The art of small talk and winning first impressions
conflict management
assertiveness in communications

Downtown Courtyard by Marriott Hotel, Yonge/College.
Free lunch, free 1-hr. coaching session too.

Register now for a 20% discount.


Any Qs, just contact and ask Ric.

Effective Communications Workshop

NOTE: This is the last week to register.

3V Communications Presents:

Communicating Confidently in Business: Learn to Communicate with Charisma and Confidence to Build Your Career Success!
This interactive workshop focuses on building confidence in your communications, people-skills, first impression management and conflict management, plus influence. See website ad for more details and bonuses.

Saturday November 8th 2008, 9-5pm
Courtyard by Marriott Downtown Hotel, 475 Yonge St. (@ College),
Toronto, ON M4Y 1X7
Contact Ric Phillips
ric @ CommunicationCoach.ca

http://www.CommunicationCoach.ca and click on Public Workshops – Toronto

Any Qs? Just ask!

Deals on Training Courses


There is a good company that is based here in Toronto, but they are not limited to the GTA, called Last Minute Training. They help vendors like myself advertise workshops and they help people looking for personal/professional development find courses and workshops. They even help you get deals.

I have been working with this company for a while now, and I think they’ve got a great idea. So if you are interested in any training courses, or you are a vendor and want to advertise your courses, maybe they can help.

What Workshop Topic Most Interests You?

Hello everyone!

I hope you are keeping well and are not feeling any sort of ‘Monday blues’. I think I am fortunate as an entrepreneur and consultant in that I never feel any particular strain on Mondays. To me, Monday is just as good as Friday! (Are some of you hating me now? Sorry, I will keep it to myself then!)

Well the summer seems to be over and everyone is back to work and back to school. Holidays seem to be over as well and people are re-focused on their personal and professional development. Therefore it is time for me to set up a couple of public workshops before the cold Canadian winter comes. I wonder if you would like to help me choose the next topic?

I have just set up a poll on my website, under the tab that reads “Next Public Workshop”. There is a 2-second survey that is simply one question: “Which workshops would you be most interested in attending?” If you have 2 seconds right now, I would really appreciate knowing what workshop(s) you would like to see run in Toronto in the next few months.

Even if you do not live in Toronto, but you have an opinion on what topic you think you would enjoy in a workshop, please still take the poll and let me know. I am by no means limited to running workshops and seminars in Toronto. As a matter of fact I enjoy visiting new places to work! (Imagine that, getting paid to travel and do something you love….hmm…life of a coach eh? Yes it can be quite rewarding at times!)

Okay, enough of me and my chosen lifestyle. Let me hear from you. Here is the direct link to my website where you will find the poll.


If you cannot decide on just one topic, that is fine. You can simply vote again!

Thank you all very, very much for your interest and support. I will be sending out a regular newsletter next time with great communication advice. As always if you have any questions or comments please feel free to get in touch with me.

All the best and – oh yes – Happy Monday!

Ric Phillips