Tag Archives: idioms

Dead Idioms?

Hello all,

Using idioms (expressions) that are up to date and appropriate will help you fit in better in conversations and allow you to understand more discussions in everyday situations. Using an old ‘dead’ idiom can make you sound a bit foolish, or out of touch. Here are a few idioms that use the word ‘dead’:

Dead and buried
If something is dead and buried, it has all long been settled and is not going to be reconsidered.

Dead as a dodo
If something’s dead as a dodo, it is lifeless and dull. The dodo was a bird that lived the island of Mauritius. It couldn’t fly and was hunted to extinction.

Dead as a Doornail
This is used to indicate that something is lifeless.

Dead duck
If something is a dead duck, it is a failure. This can also be used for people.

Dead heat
If a race ends in a dead heat, two or more finish with exactly the same result.

Dead in the water
If something is dead in the water, it isn’t going anywhere or making any progress.

Dead to the world
If somebody’s fast asleep and completely unaware of what if happening around them, he or she’s dead to the world.

Practice integrating these idioms into your everyday speech.

For more idioms just like above, please go to “Everyday English Idioms” by following this link:

Any questions or comments, feel free to post them.

Mind Your Ps and Qs!

This is an idiom that at first, seems a bit strange, even to a native English speaker. Why Ps and Qs? What exactly does it mean?

Well, it means to “be careful” or “be respectful (i.e. to elders)” or simply it serves as a reminder to young ones to be polite and on their best behaviour in public.

Why Ps and Qs? It originally came from The English bartenders! “Mind your Ps and Qs” = mind (or tend to, watch out for) your Pints and Quarts…of alcohol! Don’t spill any!

Funny eh?

There you go. Another strange English idiom root uncovered.

Hey, Learn Some English Idioms!

English Idioms are words, phrases, or expressions with a meaning that cannot be derived from the literal translations of the individual words. English Idioms are used in everyday life, work, school, the arts, business, activities, events and sports.

When you use idioms appropriately, it makes your English sound more fluent and more in line with what a native English speaker talks like on a daily basis. In short – you sound better, feel better and fit in faster.

Example 1:

We use the idiom “behind the times” to describe someone who is old-fashioned and has methods, practices, technology or even ideas that are regarded as out-dated.

(A) Some of my clients are so “Behind the times”

(B) Mine too, they have to call their trades in rather than use the web-broker.

Example 2:

When someone does something “behind your back”, the action, event or task was performed without telling you.

(A) Did Fred tell you he was taking the car?

(B) No, he took the car behind my back. I didn’t even know it was gone.

Example 3:

When you “make a beeline” for a place or object or location, you head there directly and quickly without allowing distractions. Many people think that bees fly directly to flowers without any delays so a “beeline” is named after this characteristic.

(A) Did you see Ross make a beeline for those cookies?

(B) Yeah, he walked straight up to the dessert table and helped himself to the chocolate chips.

These examples are taken directly (with permission) from an English Idioms Blog. If you would like to find more idioms, please visit the blog directly at:

English Idioms Blog URL

Accent Reduction – Top 10 Tips

It can be very exciting studying for a year or two in a foreign country, and every year thousands of ESL students travel to English-speaking countries to have an adventure, take a break from rigorous (i.e. difficult) studying at home, and learn some English.

At the same time, immigration is up in some countries, especially Canada, where the government has now incorporated more support, more programs and more funding to ensure that immigrants who arrive here can get employed a lot faster than what is currently the case. However, most students and immigrants will tell you that their perceived lack of English capability and their self-imposed shyness with using it can create a real barrier to not only employment, but all around enjoyment of their new or host country.

I have had the pleasure of teaching ESL (English as a Second Language) students and immigrants accent reduction since 1998, and have come to rely on a few tips to help the learner reduce their accent quickly.  Without further ado (i.e. delay), I give you my top 10 tips for accent reduction. Today will only be #1 and 2. Check my blog tomorrow for the next 2 tips, and so on.

1 – Imitate the desired accent and expressions of the people around you e.g. co-workers, T.V. and film characters, teachers, etc. This is not silly, it is vital (i.e. very important!)

2 – Record yourself and check your progress continuously. This way you can actually see/hear your progress, because it is easy to think that you are not making progress over time.

More to come tomorrow!